Important cities and places


Places of interest in Australia


New South Wales is the oldest and most populous state. Sydney, Australia’s largest city, is found here. Tasmania is an island and also the smallest state. It is much colder than the rest of Australia. Western Australia is the largest state. It has a lot of natural resources (e.g. iron ore, diamonds, coal). Victoria is quite a small state but it has many people / many people live there. Melbourne, the capital of Victoria, is the second largest Australian city… it is Australia’s cultural centre. The state South Australia is quite dry and famous for its wines.

Sydney has a couple of iconic sites that many may have heard of – the Sydney Harbour Bridge or the Opera House.

Melbourne is the capital city in the  state of Victoria. Melbourne is often referred as Australia’s cultural capital with such a spectacular combination of old and new architecture.

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef stretching for over 2 600 kilometers. The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland.

Kakadu National Park is located within the Alligator Rivers Region of the Northern Territory of Australia. A visit to this park offers a view into an ancient land.

The Great Ocean Road is an Australian National Heritage listed along the southeastern coast.  Built by returned soldiers between 1919 and 1932 and dedicated to soldiers killed during World War I, it is the world’s largest war memorial.


Places of interest in New Zealand


The North Island boasts two of the country’s most important cities: Auckland in the north and Wellington in the south. Wellington is the country’s political capital and the third largest city by population. The parliament of New Zealand is found / located here. Auckland is New Zealand’s largest city. It has about 1.4 million people, almost 30% of the country’s population. It is the economic centre of New Zealand. Christchurch is the second largest city in New Zealand and the largest on the South Island. Dunedin is the second largest city on the South Island. It is a university town, with almost a fifth of people being students or staff.

The Sky Tower is an observation and telecommunications tower located in New Zealand’s largest city. At a height of 328 meters it is the tallest free-standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere and the Sky Tower has become an iconic structure in Auckland’s skyline. The tower offers views of up to 80 km away and fine dining in the Orbit revolving restaurant.


In the heartland of the West Coast, the Fox and Franz Josef glaciers pour down from the mountains to the pounding surf of the Tasman Coast – nowhere else in the world have glaciers advanced so close to the sea.


the Mount Cook national park.  The National Park which surrounds the peak is certainly one of New Zealand’s most spectacular, with more than one third covered in permanent snow and glacial ice.


Rotorua is known as the thermal wonderland of New Zealand. There are numerous geysers and hot springs in and around the city.


Places of interest in Canada


Canada is a country of lakes; there are thousands of them. The largest are Lake Erie and Ontario. Between them there are the famous Niagara Falls. The southern part of the country is covered in forest. The northern part is mostly tundra. The Canadian Rocky Mountains lie along the west coast. There are also many rivers; the Mackenzie and St Lawrence rivers are the longest. The country is divided into ten provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island) and three territories (Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon).



Canada’s capital is Ottawa located in the province of Ontario. Ottawa is “only” the capital of Canada, but it is not the capital of Ontario. That role is played by Toronto, where the world’s tallest structure, Canadian Tower, was built. The largest city in Canada is Montreal and it is also the second largest French-speaking city in the world. The capitals of a majority of provinces are known as competitors of the National Hockey League (NHL) – Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto and Calgary, which is also famous as the organiser of the winter Olympic Games in 1988.
Niagara Falls


is a set of massive waterfalls located on the Niagara River in eastern North America, on the border between Canada and the USA. NF is one of the largest waterfalls in the Word.




Toronto is a city of many nationalities. The largest group are the Italians, who create 8% of Toronto’s population. Toronto lies on the coast of Lake Ontario, so it can easily transport anything from and to industrial centres in USA such as Detroit. There are many interesting buildings, not only the Canadian Tower. The new Toronto City Hall is a very interesting building, which is using modern architectonic technologies.


Montreal is situated on an island in the St. Lawrence River. It is one of the oldest cities in Canada, because its history started in 1667. Today, Montreal is one of the largest ports in the world. It is a centre of international events in Canada (1976 Summer Olympic Games). In Montreal there are the most important French-speaking universities in Canada.



Vancouver is the largest city on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. It is a modern city. All buildings are younger than 100 years, because old wooden Vancouver was burned down in 1886. It is an important transport crossing. There is a harbour and many highways and railroads.


Places of interest in the USA



The USA is a country of many contrast, coverning a very large territory (it’s 3rd largest country in the world). You can visit anything from crowded metropolities to vast praries and breathing national parks.


New York

Statue of Liberty – it lies on Liberty Island. It’s the symbol of freedom; 46 m high, 225 tones. The statue was given by the people of France to American people to commemorate French-American friendship on the occasion of 100 anniversary of American Independence. You must go there from Battery Park by boat. The F.E. Bartholdi designed it.
New York is famous for its Manhattan skyline – a large number of skyscrapers on a small area. They started to build skyscrapers here because the price of land on the island was very high. The first skyscraper was built in 1903. Today they are built with the help of computers. In the fact the skyscrapers are small towns. We can find here residential quarters, offices, parking lots, restaurants, shops, fitness centres, swimming pool. Living here is very expensive.

The World Trade Center- The highest skyscraper in NY. It was built in 1973 and had 110 floors and more than 100 000 people came and went here every day.
On Tuesday September 11th 2001 terrorists hijacked jet arilines crashed into the twin towers of WTC in New York and one into the Pentagon in Washington DC. Thousands of innocent people died.

Wall Street –In New York, there was the wall, which was a protection against the Indians centre of US‘s financial world

Washington D.C


The nation’s capital. D.C. stands for District of Columbia and the city is named Wastington after the country’s first president, George Washington. D.C is one of America’s most visited cities. It’s not just the seat of the federal government, Supreme Court and the President of the USA, there are also memorials to important figures and events in American history, suprb museums and many other things to see. Most of the sites are located on the National Mall, simply called the Mall, a boulevard between the Capitol and the Washington Monument.


The White House- it the symbol of the American presidency and the official residence and workplace of the President of the US. It was built 1792-1800 and was not always white. After the British burned the building in the war of 1812, it was restored and painted its present colour.


The Washington Monument- was built to honor the country’s first president, GW. This 170 m tall obelisk is the world’S tallest stone structure. The monument is constructed from 36 000 blocks of stones. It is visible from almost all over the city and has become one of America’s symbol.


The Lincoln Memorial- honours America’S 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, who was president during the American Civil war, opposed slavery and was assasinated while watching a play.



Los Angeles

City of Angles, it is very well-known city. Everybody know Hollywood, centre of the film industry. From the TV, we can know the rich parts of L.A. such as Beverly Hills or Melrose Place. One popular tourist  spot is Mann’s Chinese Theatre, built in 1927 to be the world’s greatest cinema. It’S famous for the autographs of well-known movie stars written in cement in the theather’S courtyrd.

– Walk of Fame- The Hollywood Walk of Fame comprises more than 2,500 five-pointed terrazzo and brass stars embedded in the sidewalks along 15 blocks ofHollywood Boulevard and three blocks of Vine Street in HollywoodCalifornia. The stars are permanent public monuments to achievement in theentertainment industry, bearing the names of a mix of actors, musicians, directors, producers, musical and theatrical groups, fictional characters, and others.

Las Vegas

The most important reason why people come to Las Vegas are casinos,games and shows. there are no closing hours in Las Vegas and there are no doors to the casinos. Casinos are open twenty-four hours a day and are designed tomoderate accommodation and reasonably priced food which is served to all           hours of the day and night. Some keep the guest inside and entertained all the time, most of them offer in expensive and famous casinos are Excalibur, Caesar Palace, The Mirage, Luxor, Hacienda Hotel or the Flamingo. Because of Nevada’s liberal marriage laws, 1 from 20 of the nation’s weddings are performed  in Las Vegas. The two busiest days for Las Vegas wedding chapels are Valentine’s Day and New Year’s Eve.

Places of interest in the UK

Standing on the river Thames, London is the capital of both England and the UK. The name comes from Romans who called it Londinium. London has a population of 8,308,369 in 2012, which is 12,5% of the UK population, and that made it the most populous city in the European Union. Together with Tokyo and NY they are considered as the leading global cities. That means they have a very important role in the world’s economic system. It is one of the world’s leading financial centers and it has fifth to sixth highest metropolitan area GDP in the world. Also it is the world’s most visited city and has the largest city airport system. London’s 43 universities form the largest concentration of higher education in Europe. In 2012 London became the first city to host the modern Summer Olympic Games three times.

– the city is known – worldwide – as a university town and home of the Univeersiry od Oxford, the oldest universinty in the country
– bicycles
– as the „city of dreaming spires“ in reference to the harmonious architecture od Oxford university buildings
– Bridge of Sighs, University Library, gothic buildings of University

– known as the home of the University od Cambridge founded in 1209
– free time – punting /pantink/ on the river Cam ( v lodičkách nás povozí po univerzitních budovách) – typical free time, St Mary Church  symbol of Camridge, Newon´s Bridge (celodřevěný bez hřebíku), Peter house (first collage to be founded in university)
– you can walk on the grass – in soxs
– Kings College chappel

– hometown for The Beatles
– in the past, it used to be a very important port –> and a part od the city centre with the docks is UNESCO World Heritage Site