

Member of the British Commonwealth

Second largest country by total area

Gained independency in 1867 – British North America Act

Federal parliamentary democracy,  constitutional monarchy, federation of 10 provinces and 3 territories

French colony in New France, formed at Saint Lawrence River


Total area 9,9 milion km2

Surrounded by: Arctic Ocean (north), Atlantic Ocean (east), Pacific Ocean (west)

Neighbouring countries: Alaska, USA, Greenland (Denmark)

It’s territory includes small islands in Arctic Ocean, from Greenland separated by small straits

New York – Minnesota – border formed by the system of the Great Lakes


Canadian Shield – area surrounding Hudson bay – glacier-formed mountainious area, rivers, lakes, boreal forest

31,000 lakes – world’s biggest fresh water reserve

Mountain ranges: Appalachian Mountains (south-east), North American Cordillera

Highest peak: Mt. Logan (cca 6,000 m)

In the east, St. Lawrence river mouthing into Atlantic Ocean – the mouth is the Gulf of Saint Lawrence

In the end of Gulf of Saint Lawrence lies Newfoundland

Types of land found in Canada: tundra, taiga, stepp




Diverse climate – from subarctic in north to temperate in west

Middle Canada’s climate influenced by Hudson Bay and James Bay

South of the country influenced by the Great Lakes

Landlocked areas have warm summers

Water Bodies

Has the third largest amount of glaciers

St. Lawrence river, Mackenzie river – mouths into Arctic Ocean, Canada’s longest

Great amount of lakes

Contains a quarter of the world’s wetlands

Natural Resources

Great reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, oil sands

Large forests

Important eporter of zinc, uranium, gold, nickel, aluminum, steel


Eleventh-largest economy in the world

Member of G8

Highly globalized economy

Since 20th ct, economy from rural to urbanized and industrial

Economy dominated by service industry, employing 3/4 of the workforce

One of few that export energy

13% of the global oil reserves





Prairie region (south) – Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan

wheat, barley

Central region – Ontario, Edmonton, Quebec

cows, pigs

Pacific Region

milk, apples, potatoes


35,5 million

4/5 of the population lives in 150km off the US border

Very low population density

Ethnic origins: 75% European, 15% Asian, Other

has one of the highest per-capita immigration rates in the world – due to growing economy, family reunification

Immigrants settle in  Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver

70% people Christians

Two official languages English, French











Capital, 880,000

Siatuated high-tech industry

Ottawa Macdonald–Cartier International Airport

Winterlude festival – celebrating winter


Capital of Ontario

Biggest, 2,6 million

The Great Toronto Fire 1904 – destroyed downtown

Numerous parks and other public spaces

Royal Alexandra Theatre – 1907 – oldest continuously operating theatre in North America

Royal Ontario Museum

The CN Tower


Capital of Alberta

Population 800,000

The National Institute for Nanotechnology

„Festival City“ –  The Works Art & Design Festival, The Edmonton International Street Performer’s Festival,…

Art Gallery of Alberta