Wilde Oscar – Obraz Doriana Graye

Celý název: Obraz Doriana Graye (The picture of Dorian Gray) Autor: Oscar Wilde Datum prvního vydání díla: 1891 Literární druh: epika Literární forma: proza Literární žánr: dekadentní román Kontext doby a autor: Oscar Wilde (16. října 1854, Dublin – 30. listopadu 1900,Paříž) V Anglii působící, původem irský prozaik, dramatik a básník. dekadence Studoval na Oxfordu, kde se seznámil s dekadentními názory. Žil bohatý život,[…]


Books v Internet (will books survive?) Books v films (films based on book, what is usually better – a book or a film) Your reading habits (why people read, how and what) Introduction to literature: • Literature is the art of written work and can. • The word literature literally means ,,things made from letters‘‘.[…]

Books literature, reading, favourite writer

Introduction to literature: • Literature is the art of written work and can. • The word literature literally means ,,things made from letters‘‘. • At first I would like to tell you something about structure of literature. • We have 3 basic types/genders of literature are 1) lyrics = it is always subjective, leading form[…]