Trade and shopping

Shopping is an activity that is important for our lives. Most people have to spend part of their day doing shopping food or other essential items. Some people enjoy it; others hate it and find it very unpleasant. According to our preferences we go shopping to: DEPARTMENT STORES: It is a big building with a[…]

The Global Problems of 21st Century

Terrorism -in my opinion world problem no.1 -beginnings in 20th century and attacks of Islamic terrorist on Israel-Munich(Můnik) 1972, hijackings or attacks on Embassies (mostly on US embassies), Chechen terrorists, communist terrorist in Germany -but after attacks in 11.9.2001 → War on Terror has lasted for 13 years and it hasn’t been over yet -NATO[…]


WHITE FANG The book is called White fang because the titular character is White Fang. The story is about wolf-dog, who lives with people. It is a novel by American author Jack London. He was an author, journalist, and social activist. His book White fang is one of the best books. In the first place he[…]

Favorite author

William Shakespeare   Although William Shakespeare is considered as one of the most famous literature figure  and the most famous play writer we know very little about him and about his life. What we do know about his life comes from register records, yourt records, wills, marriage certificates his tombstone and so on.Birth William Shakespeare[…]


BRITISH LITERATURE British literature is very well known and some of British authors are considered as the best authors of particular genre. We can start with Geoffrey Chaucer and his famous Canterbury Tales, later William Shakespeare who was one of the greatest dramatists of all time.  John Milton and his Paradise Lost are known all[…]

Canada & Australia

CANADA   Name some basic facts about Canada. Speak about the following: population, capital city, major cities, provinces and territories, size, climate, official languages, natural resources, economy Provide some details about the history of Canada. Who are Canada´s native people? Which countries first had settlements in Canada? What is the origin of the name ´Canada´?[…]


Sports Sports are one of the most popular free time actvities. It is true that sports help us to keep our bodies in good physical and mental condition. Doing sports help us lose some weight. We can divide sports into three categories – summer, winter and all-season sports. Among the summer are athletics (for example[…]


Books v Internet (will books survive?) Books v films (films based on book, what is usually better – a book or a film) Your reading habits (why people read, how and what) Introduction to literature: • Literature is the art of written work and can. • The word literature literally means ,,things made from letters‘‘.[…]

Learning foreign languages

Foreign language is basically not our mother tongue. There are many reasons why people learn them. For instance in order to get a better job, it makes our lives easier when we travel or live abroad, family abroad or even as a common knowledge or a hobby. In some countries even two languages are spoken[…]