Canada (3)

is the 2nd largest country after Russia, it lies in the north of North America and it spreads between 2 oceans  Pacific and Atlantic. In the north is Arctic Ocean. It borders only with the USA. The capital city is Ottawa.

Surface and climate

  • Climate is mild, but only in the south, in the north is arctic and really cold climate.
  • In the north, east and south the country is dominated by lowlands, in the west there are Rocky mountains.
  • Great lakes in the south on borders with the USA (Ontario, lake Huron, lake Erie, lake Superior) and other lakes – Lake Winnipeg, Great Slave lake or Great Bear lake and some smaller lakes.
  • The longest and the most important rivers, which flows through Canada are, St. Lawrence or Mackenzie.
  • In the north many islands – Baffin Island, Queen Elizabeth Islands, Victoria Island)
  • Bays Hudson Bay, Gulf of St. Lawrence with island Newfoundland


  • The population is more than 33milion inhabitants.
  • most of them are Christians
  • The country of emigrants from hole world, most of them come from Europe (Britain and France),
  • Indians as Eskimos
  • Canadians speak English and French(in Quebec), languages of immigrants and Indians

Political system and consist

  • Canada is federal democratic country, it consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories.
    for example :Quebec, Manitoba, Ontario, Yukon, Newfoundland and Labrador, Alberta and et cetera.
  • Canada is member of NATO, G8, UN and Commonwealth, so British queen is formal head of the country and she was represented by General Governor.
  • The head of government is prime minister Stephen Harper from Conservative party

Places of interest and cities

  • Niagara falls, Great lakes and other lakes – recreation, fishing, amazing nature with many National parks (Banff NP, Jasper NP)
  • Modern and beautiful cities (Vancouver, Toronto), older cities (Montreal, Ottawa and historical Quebec city)


  • Currency is Canadian Dollar.
  • High developed country →the most important branches of economy are services (Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto).
  • The soil is suitable for agriculture only in the south.
  • Fishing
  • Really important branches are also logging, oil and gas production, gold, nickel, zinc and uranium mining.


  • Ice hockey national sport of Canada many leagues, the best is common League with the USA -NHL – 7 teams from this in Canada (well known Toronto and Montreal)
  • Olympic Games three times-Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary