The Czech Republic (4)

Intro Small country Situated in the heart of Europe Known for its high beer consumption and low percentage of religious people   Location Located in central Europe Often referred to as “bridge between west and east” Borders with Slovakia, Austria, Poland and Germany Comprised of three historical regions – Bohemia, Moravia and part of Silesia[…]

Steinbeck John – O myších a lidech (3)

Autor: John Steinbeck Rok vydání: 2004 Překlad: Vladimír Vendyš Literární druh: epika John Steinbeck: – americký prozaik a dramatik – nositel Nobelovy ceny za literaturu z roku 1962 – pocházel z Kalifornie, kde strávil i většinu svého života – studoval biologii, prošel řadou zaměstnání, než se mohl plně věnovat literatuře – se ztracenou generací souvisí[…]

Fuks Ladislav – Spalovač mrtvol (5)

Autor: Ladislav Fuks Literární forma: próza Literární druh: epika   Literární žánr: Novela – kratší prozaický útvar, který na rozdíl od románu rozvíjí pouze jednu dějovou linii, odbočky od hlavní linie a popisné pasáže jsou omezeny na minimum, děj novely se odehrává v krátkém časovém úseku Literární směr: ( z roku 1967) Česká literatura v letech 1958-1989, druhá[…]


  Introduction: Mass media are the means of communication. They bring us news and provide education and entertainment. The most favorite are printed media (such as books, daily press, magazines), broadcast media (such as radio, television) and digital media internet and mobile phones. Daily press Even in the age of television and Internet, the daily[…]

George Orwell – Animal Farm

Animal Farm is a satirical novela (fable) set on Manor Farm, a typical English farm. The book reflects events leading up to and during the Stalin era before World War II. Orwel was critic of this regime. This farm is owned and operated by Mr. Jones. THE PLOT: Old Major, an old prize- winning boar,[…]

Consumer Society

I would like to start this topic with an official definition of consumerism. Consumerism is a social and economic order that encourages the purchase of goods and services in ever-greater amounts.  It is a term used to describe the effects of equating personal happiness with purchasing material possessions and consumption (spořeba).  Consumerism means purchasing goods[…]


Personality is every human in the world. Everyone is admired by someone else but some people are adored for a special reason. It may be for an emotional reason – when a child admires his parents and members of the family. Famous people are loved by their fans for wonderful performances or for their beauty.[…]

American school system

First time when little childrens visit a school is on ELEMENTARY SCHOOL * They stay in same room for the most of the day. There is only one teacher responsible for math, social studies and English * They have a break of about an hour in the middle of the day for lunch. * During[…]

Australia (3)

* One of the most diverse (rozmanitý) country in the World * Lies in the southeast hemosphere * Australia has enormous (obrovský) mountains in the southeast – Australian Alp –place where you can skiing – with the highest place in Australia –  2 228 meters Mount Kosciuszko * Two biggest cities on the southeast coast[…]